The Afristat Newsletter No. 10
The Economic and Statistic Observatory for Sub-Saharan Africa (AFRISTAT) has, during the last three quarters (from the fourth of 2022 to the second of 2023), undertaken several activities relating to:
(i) coordination and mobilization of resources, (ii) consolidation of partnerships and (iii) technical supports. In terms of coordination and resource mobilization, AFRISTAT Directorate General worked in two directions. It first carried out an intense awareness-raising and advocacy activity with around ten Member States for recovery of financing contributions and for collection of technical assistance needs. It then organized the meetings of two of its statutory bodies, namely the Steering Committee and the Scientific Council. During these meetings, the mid-term implementation of 2022 activities program was reviewed, the 2023 activity program was adopted and the medium-term strategic work program 2022-2025 was reviewed. The same applies to the computer application for managing business directories and the new manual of administrative and financial procedures.
Regarding the consolidation of partnerships, the Observatory continued execution of projects entrusted to it by WAEMU Commission, Expertise France, FAO and the Member States on specific projects. These projects cover price statistics, national accounts, digital economy, SDGs, business statistics, employment statistics, modeling on storage losses of food products, national strategy of statistical development (NSDS) and macroeconomics. Furthermore, AFRISTAT experts took part in workshops and other technical meetings organized by COMESA, INSEE, CEMAC, ECOWAS and WAEMU Commissions as well as the Sub-regional Office of ECA for West Africa.