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Component II : Support to the development of information systems for the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction strategies and Millennium Development Goals
General objective II : Provide support to States in the development of information systems for the design, implementation and monitoring and evaluation of poverty reduction strategies and Millennium Development Goals
Specific objectives and expected results Activities Objectively verifiable indicators Sources or means of verification
Specific objective 5 : Participate in the formulation of cost-effective methodologies on collecting and processing demographic data through surveys and censuses, including civil status, and to support Member States in their implementation
Outcome 5.1: Support provided to States preparing a population census 5.1.1. Participation of AFRISTAT to the preparation of the 2010 census round reports of expert missions, seminars and workshops AFRISTAT progress reports
5.1.2. Popularization of population census manuals and guidelines Information notes AFRISTAT progress reports
5.1.3. Organisation of seminars and workshops on the practice of population census Number of seminars and participants AFRISTAT progress reports
5.1.4. Technical support provided to States for the organisation of population census Expert mission reports AFRISTAT progress reports
Outcome 5.2: Support provided to States on the collection of personal information data collection 5.2.1. Popularization of manuals and guidelines on the use of civil status data Information notes AFRISTAT progress reports
5.2.2. Organisation of seminars and workshops on the use of civil status Number of seminars and participants AFRISTAT progress reports
5.2.3. Technical support provided to States for the use of civil status data Expert mission reports AFRISTAT progress reports
Specific objective 6  : Provide support to NSS for the development of information systems to monitor sectoral strategies (employment, education, health and rural development, etc.)
Outcome 6.1:Support is provided for the design and implementation of appropriate sectoral strategy monitoring mechanisms in States 6.1.1. Advocacy to improve information systems on socio-demographic data (labour market, education, health, etc.) and rural development in conjunction with competent international organisations Information notes, journal articles AFRISTAT progress reports
6.1.2. Establishment of networks of sub-regional and regional networks of institutions working on poverty-related socio-demographic (labour market, education, health, etc.) and rural development statistics Operational networks NSO progress reports and network meeting reports
Outcome 6.2:Common methodological frameworks for the collection of sectoral statistics (employment, education, health and rural development) are designed with the participation of Member States 6.2.1. identification of best practices and international comparison Compendium of best practices available AFRISTAT progress reports
6.2.2. Harmonization of data collection tools and indicator measurement instruments Methodological frameworks and compendium of collection tools and indicators available Workshop reports and AFRISTAT progress reports
6.2.3. Support to the collection of social statisitic Periodical statistical publications NSS progress reports
6.2.4. Organisation of training workshops and awareness campaigns including advocacy tools for information systems (on socio-demographic statistics (labour market, education, health, etc.) and rural development Number of workshops organized and number of participants Workshop reports and AFRISTAT progress reports
Outcome 6.3:Support is provided to NSS to strengthen their analysis capacities of socio-demographic (labour market, education, health, etc.) and rural development data 6.3.1. Design of directory on information sources Existing directories Workshop reports and AFRISTAT progress reports
6.3.2. Design of methodological frameworks on processing and analysis Existing methodological frameworks Workshop reports and AFRISTAT progress reports
6.3.3. Design of training modules Number of training modules designed and disseminated Workshop reports and AFRISTAT progress reports
6.3.4. Organisation of training workshops Number of workshops organized and number of participants Workshop reports and AFRISTAT progress reports
Specific objective 7 :Support Member States in designing operational information systems for PRSP and MDG monitoring and evaluation
Outcome 7.1: The reference framework and common minimum methodological aid for PRSP and MDG monitoring are implemented. Support is provided to Member States for designing their poverty reduction strategy monitoring and evaluation information systems 7.1.1. Identification of monitoring and evaluation needs of each country Needs checklist Expert mission reports d'AFRISTAT
7.1.2. Review of information systems of each beneficiary country Review report on information systems prepared Expert mission reports d'AFRISTAT
7.1.3. Validation of information system and proposed database design of each beneficiary country Information systems Validation workshop reports
7.1.4. Formulation of decentralized approach in poverty reduction information systems (based on MIS) by mapping out poverty National and local poverty maps produced National and local poverty maps available and accessible.
Outcome 7.2. Support provided to requesting Member States for the launching of three poverty reduction strategy monitoring sub-information systems within the framework of a national network of data collection, processing and analysis stakeholders 7.2.1. Support to the time-bound development of a poverty and household living condition monitoring sub-system Harmonized data collection of core PRSP/MDG indicators. Specific tools designed in priority sectors PRSP status report prepared by States annually. Common databases operational.
7.2.2. Support to the implementation of an implementation monitoring sub-system of policies, programmes and projects for each strategic sector Medium-term expenditure frameworks and programme budgets designed for education and extended to other priority sectors Network of stakeholders involved, national budget departments
7.2.3. Support to the development of an impact assessment sub-system using appropriate methodologies Shortlist of policies, programmes and projects to be evaluated on targeted sub-populations. Methods experimented in pilot countries National administrations with capacities to conduct such evaluations are mobilized
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ASPA logical framework of activities : component I Table of contents ASPA logical framework of activities : component III