Previous  4.3. Component III: support to the strengthening of data collection, processing and analysis capacities and compilation of statistical and economic reports  Next

Under the general objective of « support to Member States to build capacity for collecting, processing and analyzing basic economic statistical data and compiling statistical and economic reports », two specific objectives were identified: :

  • building the capacity of Member States for collecting and processing economic statistical data ;
  • building capacity for compiling statistical and economic reports.

Activities to be implemented are described below.

General objective III:   Support to strengthening the capacities of Member States for collecting, processing and analyzing basic economic statistical data, and compiling statistical and economic reports

Specific objective 8:   Strengthening the capacities of Member States for collecting and processing economic statistics
Outcome 8.0:   Common methodological frameworks and tools for collecting and processing economic statistics are designed with the participation of Member States and sub-regional integration institutions
Activity 8.0.1:  Organisation of methodological support workshops for establishing sampling frames and directories
Activity 8.0.2:  Design or revision of methodological tools for collecting statistical data in formal and informal sectors (agriculture, enterprises, trade, handicraft, tourism, etc.)
Activity 8.0.3:  Support to the collecting of economic statistics
Activity 8.0.4:  Training on the use of existing computer applications and /or development of data processing programmes (household surveys, business surveys, use of SFR, price surveys, etc.)
Activity 8.0.3:  Support to sub-regional economic integration institutions for developing harmonized statistical data
Specific objective 9:   Strengthening capacities for compiling statistical reports and economic analyses
Outcome 9.1:   Common methodological frameworks for analyzing economic statistics are designed with Member State participation
Activity 9.1.1:  Design of common methodological frameworks and training modules on data analysis consistent with development policy design and monitoring needs
Activity 9.1.2:  Organisation of training workshops
Outcome 9.2:   Support to the reform of national accounts is regularly provided to Member States
Activity 9.2.1:  Organisation of awareness campaigns for the reform of national accounts
Activity 9.2.2:   Pursuit of the setting-up of the ERETES system in Member States
Activity 6.2.3:  Organisation of training workshops on SNA93
Outcome 9.3:   Proposals for the revision of the 1993 SNA are made by AFRISTAT and its Member States
Activity 9.3.1:   Preparation of a status report on the use of the SNA93 in Member States
Activity 9.3.2:  Organisation of a seminar to validate the status report on the use of the 1993 SNA and drafting of observations and proposals
Outcome 9.4:   Support to the compilation of provisional national accounts is regularly provided to Member States
Activity 9.4.1:   Design of harmonized methodological frameworks for compiling provisional national accounts
Activity 9.4.2:  Organisation of training and information workshops on compiling provisional national accounts
Outcome 9.5:   Support to the production and analysis of the social and economic data is regularly provided to Member States
Activity 9.5.0:  Organisation of training seminars on economic and social data analysis
Outcome 9.6:   Support to macroeconomic forecasting and modelling is provided to Member States
Activity 9.6.0:   Organisation of training seminars on macroeconomic forecasting and modelling techniques

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4.2. Component II: support to the development of information systems for implementing, monitoring and evaluating poverty reduction strategies and MDG Table of contents 4.4. Component IV: support to strengthening statistical dissemination capacities